Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Abby's Gentle Nudge

I met Abby a few weeks ago in the parking lot of the supermarket where I shop. She was getting ready for a day event with her owner and several other horses and owners. Abby, is a deep brown Morgan breed. Her eyes would melt anyone's heart. I started to pet her and tell her how beautiful she is. She kept looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes. It was almost like we knew eachother forever. All of a sudden she nudged me and laid her head on my chest. I kept gently petting her and telling her she was beautiful. She then reached up and kissed my face. I was completely filled with peace. When it was time to leave I said goodbye and she got a little anxious and began walking around in circles. I told her I hope to see her soon and she will always be in my prayers. Once again she nudged me and laid her head on my chest. I gently said goodbye while petting her. I reached down and kissed the top of her nose. Then she reached up and kissed my face goodbye. Tears filled my eyes and I felt like a blanket of warmth and peace was being wrapped around me. I was so blessed to have received such precious gifts. I will always remember the gentle nudge of Abby and the overwhelming peace and love she gave me that day. God bless Abby.

God bless all animals.
Chaplain Kathy

If you know an animal in need of prayer, please feel free to contact me at kathymwriting@gmail.com. Prayer requests are always warmly welcomed.

Be the blessing of hope to an animal in need http://www.squidoo.com/blessanimals.

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