Sunday, August 24, 2008


When my daughter was just a toddler we moved to a new neighborhood and met our neighbors across the street. We quickly became friends. They had a little girl the same age as my daughter and we had a lot in common. At this time I met their dog, Misty.

Misty always had a loud bark, enough to scare the mailman and any intruder that came into the yard. As part of the golden retriever family she had a lot of unconditional love to give and always put a smile on my face. We had the blessing of taking care of her when my neighbors went away. Misty loved children and my daughter quickly became quite atttached to her.

Many times in the spring I would sit out in the yard while the girls played. Misty would always sleep at my feet in the warm sun, laying on the cool grass. My friend Cynthia would often take videos of the girls playing. Misty was always there with them. Often times Misty would play the role of a favorite character in the girls imaginative playtime. Although Misty had no idea how to play the character, she loved just being with the girls and was happy to play her part in their joy.

Misty has since gone onto the rainbow of pet heaven. She gave us many blessings and we are so thankful we got to be a part of her presence. The smiles she gave us will always have a place in our hearts and her unconditional love will be a part of us forever.

Katherine Mikshenas

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our Little Visitor, Gus

For the last couple of weeks we have had a new visitor in our backyard. I am not sure what kind of animal it is. It reminds me of a gopher in the movie Caddyshack. My husband seems to think it is a little ground hog. Whatever kind of animal it is, he is adorable. He ususally comes in the early morning or late afternoon. He munches on grass and leaves. He stands up on his hind legs with a leaf in his mouth as proud as ever.

I named him, Gus. Of course I don't know if he is female or male. He just makes me think he is a proud male. He is such a blessing to watch. No matter what kind of a mood I am in, he calms me down and puts a smile on my face.

Sometimes all we need to do is open our hearts to all the beauty in nature. Maine is a beautiful state full of different wild animals. I thank God for these beautiful animals. They make me stop and take a break from the chaos of my day. They help me to refocus myself and put a smile on my face.

May God bless all animals and hold them in the palm of His hand. May the angels of God surround them and give them God's peace.

Katherine Mikshenas
Animal Blessings Motivator

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Oliver and Costello

For the last week I have been blessed with taking care of 2 precious cats for my daughter's friend's family, while they were away. They both were adopted from an animal shelter. Their owners give them a lot of love and affection.

I have never owned any cats and I am so very blessed to have had this experience. Each morning Costello and Oliver greet me and wait patiently for their food. I give them fresh food and water, clean their litter box and then it is time to play. We play with their toys for a little bit and then it is cuddle time. I sit on the floor and both cats snuggle up to me, purring and wagging their tails. They roll onto their sides and backs and want me to rub their stomachs. Of course I tell them how much of a blessing they are to me. I tell them I love them as I gently pet their fur.

Sometimes in the morning I have a tendency to get a little anxious. I have suffered from anxiety and bouts of depression in different times of my life. It is amazing how much a cat's purring can fill you with serenity. When I leave them and go home I am filled with peace and joy. I am so thankful for the blessings they have given me.

Today was my last day taking care of them because my daughter's family is coming home. Although I will miss them I will always remember their sweet purring and the affection they gave me.

May God bless all animals and the precious blessings they give to the human heart and soul.
God bless Oliver and Costello, my two precious cat friends.

Katherine Mikshenas
Animal Blessings Motivator
P.O. Box 485
Canton, ME 04221