Monday, March 16, 2015

Penny's Gentle Kiss...Penny's Gentle Heart For PitBulls

Penny was the first pitbull that I met up close.  I had gone to a local shelter to visit with the animals.  There was Sweet Penny.  Her fur was the color of a copper penny. She had no name yet.  I asked to visit with her and was told she had not been evaluated yet.  I put my hand near the kennel cage and she walked right up and kissed the knuckles of my fingers. Immediately, my heart melted!  Her sweet gentle kisses had won me over!  

I went back to the shelter a few days later and Penny was gone.  I asked about her but was not given any information.  I offered prayer, blessings and reiki to her, wherever she was.  From that day forward I made a vow to give gentleness and kindness to all animals, especially pitbulls; in honor of Penny.

I have started an outreach project for pitbull breed dogs.  The mission of the project is to be kind and gentle in any way possible to a pitbull.  If you have spare change and can donate it to a pit bull rescue cause...donate it.  If you can share some time visiting an animal in a shelter and there is a pit bull there, be kind in any way you can.  If you can donate toys, blankets or other items to a shelter or pitbull rescue, I encourage you to give whatever you can.  If you can offer prayer, reiki or a good loving thought please offer it for a pitbull in need.  Mother Theresa once said do the smallest of things with the greatest of love.  All are invited to join in this project for kindness...Penny's Gentle Heart For Pitbulls.  Start wherever you are and make a decision to be kind and gentle to an animal, especially a pitbull.
Many, many blessings of all good,
Kat Mikshenas

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