Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Little Riding Companion

My daughter has been home for the weekend from school. On Friday I picked her up and this morning I brought her back to school. During both trips my little riding companion, Kiely came for the trip. She was really good for most of the trip except for the toll booths. Kiely decided to let her voice ROAR! She barked up a storm! It took her a while before she calmed down and just looked out the window.

Overall, I think Kiely did exceptionally well. She was a joy to have with me and great company. Kiely is such a comfort to me especially when the empty nest ghost decides to appear and bring down my mood. I enjoy her kisses, cuddles at night and don't even mind her voice roaring.

God bless all our animals that comfort us, give us companionship and lots of kisses.

Katherine Mikshenas

1 comment:

The Writer said...

Its interesting, because they really do chase away the "empty nest blues!" In our case, I think it works both ways for my daughter and me. She has her BJ for when she gets down and I have Bear and Willie. They have a way of taking some of the sting out of the separation.

Happy wandering!

The Writer...and her dog, Bear