Thursday, April 30, 2015

Meditation For World Peace

Today, I hold a healing space in my heart of love and compassion for all lost, abandoned or orphaned animals and all animals in any type of need.  I invite all animals to join me in this healing space for whatever they need or choose to receive.

May all be blessed in all good.  May God bless all.
Kat Mikshenas

Friday, April 17, 2015

Cove of Peace

Today,  I hold a healing space in my heart of love and compassion for all wildlife, endangered or threatened species and all animals in any type of need.  I invite the animals into this calm, healing space for whatever they need or choose to receive.  May all animals know they are loved and held in the loving palm of God's hand.

Cove of Peace Meditation

 Become aware of your breath. Notice the flow in and out. Begin to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Continue for a few minutes until you feel your body beginning to be calm. 

Envision yourself walking near the rocks near the ocean shore.  There is an opening in the rocks. You go into this opening.  The opening leads to a quiet cove.  In this cove the sun is shimmering on the water that gently taps the rocks on shore.  You feel the sun gently warming your face.  The warm sand grounds you in gentle love.  Here in this cove, all is calm.  All is love. You sit on the sand and rest.  Stay here in this gentle, calm space.  Close your eyes.  Feel the cool breeze in your hair.  Smell the salt in the air all around you.  Listen to the gentle voice of the water brushing against the shore.  

Now think of an animal you love or may know.  Invite the animal to sit next to you on the warm sand. Let go of all expectations and allow the animal to choose whether or not to join you.  Sit in this quiet, loving space for as long as you choose. 

When you are ready open your eyes, wiggle your fingers and toes and slowly walk out of the cove into your daily routine.  Carry this calm, loving energy with you throughout your day.
All is well and all will be well. 

May all be blessed in all good.  
Kat Mikshenas

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Love and Gratitude

Today, I hold a healing space of love and compassion, in my heart, for all birds, small animals, marine and freshwater life; for all animals in any type of need. I invite the animals into this healing space for whatever they need or choose to receive.

Love and Gratitude Breathing Exercise

Take 5 deep cleansing breaths, breathing from your hara (about 2 to 3 finger lengths from your navel). Release all tension and stress as you breathe out. 
Begin to breathe normally, becoming aware of your inner breath.  As you breathe in see and feel this breath as God's love for you.
Begin to become aware of your exhale breath.  As you breathe out see and feel this breath as gratitude for all your many blessings. 
Continue breathing slowly in ...Love...out...Gratitude for a few minutes creating a calm space within you.  
Gently hold this calm space and rest in the loving, calm energy.
Invite your animals into this space.  
Rest in this healing and calm for as long as you desire.  
As you come back into your daily routine carry this calm with you.  

May all be blessed in all good.
Kat Mikshenas

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Brutus Kisses

This story melted my heart and filled me with joy!  Shared from the Stubby Dog Org Click Here To Read.

May God bless all animals and the people that love them.  May God bless all.
Kat Mikshenas

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Channel Of Peace

Today I offer this Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi for all animals that are sick, injured or in any type of need.

Prayer of St. Francis

May God bless all animals and the people that love them.  May God bless all.
Kat Mikshenas

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Sounds of Spring

Today I hold a healing space in my heart, of love and compassion, for all birds, small animals, all marine life, all freshwater life, all animals in any type of need; for whatever they need or choose to receive. May every animal know they are loved and protected in the healing wings of God's perfect love.

Please enjoy this relaxing video Sounds Of Spring Click here to listen.
May God bless all animals and the people that love them.
May God bless all.
Kat Mikshenas

Monday, April 6, 2015

Wonders Of Nature

Today I hold a healing space, in my heart, of love and compassion; for all farm animals, all working animals, all service animals, all therapy animals, all animals in any type of need.  I invite the animals to join me in this quiet, calm space where healing and all good are possible; for whatever they need or choose to receive.

All are invited to join me in this beautiful meditation.

Relax To Reiki Music and The Wonders of Nature

May God bless all animals and the people that love them.  May God bless all.
Kat Mikshenas

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Lotus Flower Meditation

Today I offer this Lotus Flower Meditation for all homeless and stray animals; for all animals in any type of need.  May every animal know they are loved and are safe in the loving arms of God

May God bless all animals and the people that love them.  May God bless all.
Kat Mikshenas

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Reiki Bridge of Love

Today I hold a healing space in my heart of love and compassion for all animals and all life on planet earth.  I invite all that are open into this healing space for whatever they need or choose to receive.

From the heart of God, in and through my heart and expanding out to the universe, a beam of light forms like a bridge over water.  On this bridge all is calm; all is love.  Healing is flowing...all along the bridge...all around the bridge...filling the water below.  All are welcome to walk on the bridge, stand near the bridge or touch the healing water.  All are loved.  All are safe in the quiet calm of God's perfect love.

May God bless all.
Kat Mikshenas

Friday, April 3, 2015

Reiki For Wildlife

Today I hold a healing space in my heart of love and compassion for all wildlife, endangered and threatened species; all animals in any type of need.  I invite the animals into this healing space for whatever they need or choose to receive.

I open my heart to God as a vessel of His perfect reiki.  May reiki flow in and through me, all around me and expand out to wherever it is needed.  May all animals know they are loved and may they be blessed in the quiet calm of God's perfect reiki.

May God bless all animals and the people that love them.  May God bless all.
Kat Mikshenas

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Heartspace of Healing

Today I hold a healing space of love and compassion in my heart for all lost, abandoned and orphaned animals; all animals in any type of need.

I give You my heart, God as a vessel of Your love and compassion.  May Your perfect healing energy flow in and through me, all around me and expand out to wherever it is needed.  I invite the animals into the healing space of my heart for whatever they need or choose to receive.  May all animals know they are loved and protected in Your healing wings of perfect love.

May God bless all animals and the people that love them.
May God bless all.
Kat Mikshenas

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A Healing Prayer

I offer this prayer for all animals that are sick or injured or in any type of need:

Prayer Of The Healing Angels

May God bless all animals and the people that love them.
May God bless all.
Kat Mikshenas